Sunday, May 08, 2005

mad monks

i've never tried typiung when high or drink, but i suppose that this is a good time to try. what iu cannot stand is that even in this state, i am prone to hiutting the "backspace" button.

my corset is falling off my chest, i';ve a drunk friend in the guest room, my hair stinks of cigaretts and the sink is full with dishes i used/. oh, and th washing machine still holds the wet clothes i was suopoedsed to hang. then ravi was supposed to jang. then he forgot.

and i can rememver.

even at 0440am, wioth my corset off my chest, twp hodtodgs in my stomach, pousion in my wstomach and farts trying t escapt out of tight jkeans, i can check if the clothes have been hung.

am bonafide conrol freak.

am also spellingretad when high,

when sober, bumped into sally who was with hafiz. then realosed she didnt come into home with us.

we must be quite embarrassin g.

what do you get when you have eleven people and a gib bulk,m i meant big gulp[ cup with smirnoffff and sprite? and a banjo?

i couldnt believe that guy qwas playuing music on a baniko.

first i thought it was a guitar.

then ina exclained, what a small guitar!

i looked,. nthen i couldnt stop laughung.

oit was a banko.

i mean, who has a banjo these days?

byut anyway, was nice.

ha vent blubbed in some weeks.

i dont miss it.

i'm mbso;tue;u domesitaected.

cant help being maternal.

in a way, i ;ve fojnd myeslf.


have a fantastic sunda everybofdy,.'

off to shower and rjnken sec. roghjt nmow.

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