Friday, July 01, 2005

"nothing like a good cock to wake you in the morning" - ECK!

it's 1255pm and i have

1. one infection left
2. an itchy throat
3. bursting blouse
4. dry eyes
5. 2 major deadlines today (at least one cannot be completed)
6. 75 emails more to read
7. a weight problem
8. frontal flatulence (oh you know, the ones that escape through the front)
9. plane tickets, and no hotel
10.a craving for an entire jar of nutella

i want this underwear. hehe. would definitely give ravi a kick.

we've been having some major infighting within my department. we all cannot agree on how a rooster sounds. the american-influenced say "cock-a-doodle-doo" (when you think about it, the rooster cant even say dooodle), the german says "kikirikee" (germany has some giggly roosters) and the indian was laughing too hard to say anything.

we're too afraid to ask the indian what a rooster sounds like. when we asked him what a frog sounds like, he said "bek!"

and with that, i leave you now to my chickens.

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