Sunday, November 27, 2005

how NOT to start an exercise regime.

1. walk right into an advanced Ashtanga Yoga class without reading the fineprint on the program when you have never, ever, ever gone for a single yoga class in your life.
2. attempt impossible situations that involve stretching limbs beyond their limits and get your left hand coiled under your right arm which is locked over your right thigh which is coiled over left knee. get it? get it? i still have no idea what i was trying to do.
3. start running backwards on one of those low-impact running/sliding machines and wonder out loud why the machine is making you go in reverse.
4. buy chicken rice.
5. eat (low-fat) ice-cream

i WILL start feeling healthy again and fit into my wedding dress. there's too much pressure on brides to lose weight these days. but all you anorexic/bulimic brides out there - stop whining.

for you are not as overweight as your leaking brain is.

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