Thursday, July 07, 2005

banana almond

took the train up to the north, to Ayutthaya. took lots of pictures that i am not proud of - my ambition to be Qatar's numero uno photographer goes down the drain. i am bogged down by my tract infection - it isn't easy to walk several kilometres a day with a sharp pain in your abdomen and *erhmm* for a good part of the day. ravi and i were almost at each other's throats by evening as i was bowled over by pain and getting highly irritable (and i did not tell him about the pain initially) by the wrong sois he was leading us into, further prolonging the suffering.

we are off to the floating market and snake milking magical ceremony tomorrow. yes, am tourist. i suck.

alrightee boys and girls, me go now. me want massage.

(banana almond ice-cream by ete rocks)

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